The first task to be assigned to us in the Aerospace Engineering Management module, and the last task to be completed, was a bid tender in response to the European Commission’s multimodal future transport network pilot programme “Towards a Single and Innovative European Transport System: Implementation of Multimodal Innovative Solutions.” Provided with brief initial guidance… Read More

The culmination of all that my cohort and I have learned in our Aerospace Engineering Management module was brought into practice today during a full day wing build challenge. Beginning at 9 a.m. with groups being randomly pre-selected by the module leader, we were informed only that the wing we were about to build must… Read More

One of the larger tasks from the Aerospace Engineering Management module involved forming another group, this time with the objective to produce supporting documentation in readiness for bidding on a maintenance contract for the university’s Harrier T4, XW270.  Everybody was informed the afternoon before the activity began that it was up to each group to… Read More

Whilst coming to the end of this second academic year at Coventry, it became evident now that the tasks being provided to us were deliberately designed to show improvement in key soft skills required of us as effective engineers and future managers. The irony of this particular task for myself and the small group of… Read More

At the time of writing, the vast majority of upcoming and current culture changing engineering managers are Millennials i.e. those born between 1981 and 1996 as described by Pew Research Centers Michael Dimock (2018). As such, a part of the Aerospace Management Module conducted this semester has had my peers and I review and reflect on… Read More

Another task presented to us in our Aerospace Engineering Management module mid-February was a single aircraft maintenance scheduling task. The background situation was that an aircraft was released from maintenance early to free up space at the hangar for another airframe requiring depth maintenance earlier than anticipated. The aircraft released, and therefore expected back at the line… Read More

The depth maintenance task leads on from the work performed in the fault diagnosis lab, where it was the mindset taken that the components to be examined were potentially those identified and removed from service for further inspection on initial examination. In practice, due to the system I worked on being the engine, this process… Read More

As part of our Aircraft Systems module, we undertook two labs, namely fault diagnosis, and depth maintenance. The former involved a brief refresher on jet propulsion theory followed by a technical skills instructor lead ‘signposted’ diagnosis of the problem; whereby we were asked questions to help form our understanding of the situation, the task, and… Read More

On Thursday myself and 9 others went to the Midland Air Museum at Baginton for our first hands-on activity of the year. The intention of the activity was to provide an insight into aerospace practices and the traits of a good aviation maintenance manager. The tasks allocated to the two groups were not in and… Read More